We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon ministering and performing for Remington House. We took 31 puppeteers & puppets, 9 adults, a message, and performed for the residents. We had a blast. It is always nice to visit with the older adults, and an even bigger blessing to visit with Sunnysiders Hubert and Wilma Martin and Mrs. Mary Kidd. Their sweet spirit is always a day maker!!
The kids delivered their favorite Bible verses to the residents and visited. They even walked the halls singing Christmas carols. I'm not sure who had more fun, the residents, or the kids.
We always have to make goofy faces for the camera.
The curtains are going up.
Our youth pastor, Todd Latham, got busy adjusting the curtains.
Lisa and I got to visit with Mrs. Kidd before the kids performed. It was wonderful to see that she was back from the hospital.
The boys were attempting to set up our sound system. Who knows what mischief they were getting into.
I'm not sure, but I think these three were hiding to get out of setting up.
Can we say "cheese or cheesey?"
Lots of supervision was going on
We even had a fan following. We love Faye Powell!!!
Hubert and Wilma were looking GREAT!! We have really missed them at Sunnyside but excited to see them!
Some of the residents sitting patiently for the others to arrive before show time.
Behind the curtain preparation
It's show time!! We performed all 9 songs that we had performed in "The Heart of Christmas"
I think everyone was enjoying themselves!!
The quartet was a HUGE hit!
Group shot of the performance
Our possum got some attention
Not really sure what these two were up to.
Todd delivering the message to the residents.
So you can see, it was an awesome way to spend our Sunday afternoon by sharing God's love with some very special people! Now it's time to take a small break and enjoy the Christmas season.
Blessings and good wishes to you and your family. May Jesus bring joy to your home. Merry Christmas to you all.
Looking to further the Kingdom,