Monday, February 3, 2014

Best Group of Puppetteers Around

Oh my, GLO Puppet Ministry is off to another busy year. We are officially back in practice mode at Sunnyside Baptist Church.  We have 2 performances that we are working on. We will be performing at all of the Upward games on Saturday, March 1 and then we are having a Youth Sunday night service at Sunnyside on March 16 at 6:00 p.m. that we will be performing at also. I didn't get to make any pictures of practice yesterday. We actually had to split the kids up. The girls worked in the Sanctuary on a black light hand performance for the Sunday night performance, while the boys were in the practice room working on the Upward performance. We've got quite a bit to accomplish in a short amount of time, but I did get a big group picture for you all to see just how awesome they are!! 

We needed a group shot of the kids because Outreach Magazine has asked to do an article on their puppet ministry. We are so honored that they want to write an article and are excited to be able to share how God is working through this ministry with their readers! I'll have to keep you posted on that as well.

Now for the goofy faces:

We are planning on meeting for a time of organization and planning on Wednesday night. We didn't get to meet last week because of the weather here. We actually had snow and had to cancel our Wednesday night services due to the road conditions and cold temperatures. That very rarely happens at Sunnyside! I'll be able to share pictures during the meeting with you all. Be ready for lots of additional posts coming soon as we begin our Arrow Island VBS preparations!

Looking to further the Kingdom,


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