Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Night of cleaning and organization

Ok, I have to admit it....we have a hoarding problem. You might say a puppet hoarder problem. Everything is seen as a possible prop, stage, costume, or puppet, so, it is saved to be recycled into something better. We are guilty of grabbing and throwing and not putting back in its proper place during's time to get cleaned up and organized so that we can start building the upcoming rainforest/jungle stage for VBS this year.

 That's right, the puppets are going to the jungle. We are doing Arrow Island this year and they are going to be performing nightly. We are so excited to get started on this stage set. We're not quite sure what the "living Christmas puppet tree" will be yet. We are still debating between a volcano or a huge waterfall. (Big change from the coral reef) anyway, are you ready to be shocked by our hoarded stash....brace yourselves.....and please do not share with the fire marshall:)


Thanks to Dr. Nunley, we have some awesome boxes to build our tiki huts with...

See, I told you it was bad... But, we got really busy tonight and made a huge dent...

The boxes stacked nicely against our wall..and you can see the floor!!!!!

Quite a bit was accomplished in a couple of hours. Angie has no idea what all we actually tossed, haha. Those big black trash bags are hard to see through. Jamie and Jamie were good at tossing. Lisa and Angie were organizing into larger boxes while the other Angie and I carried from room to room. And no, I'm not stuttering, we actually have two Angie's and two Jamie's. Michelle was in the nursery tonight and got lucky and didn't have to sweat with us, while Shannon was with the college kids in their Bible Study. I'll post more pictures when we get together again. We placed our seasonal items in boxes that are labeled for easy access. All the Easter, Christmas, wigs, CDs and books, google eyes, hair bows, clothes, materials, paints, etc. we're placed in large packing boxes. These will be stacked for easy storage and retrieval in the future. Also, there will be plenty to post as the props are being made. The large rock puppet will be used for our upward performance on March 1. We made him with the help of Greg Kimball, who sculpted and painted him for us. All we had to do then was put on the google eyes and the elastic mouth that I showed you we use on our stick puppets in a previous post. I'll post a better picture of him next time.

 I do ask for you prayers as we begin this new production that God will give us the direction and ideas we need to be able to perform during VBS, and in so doing, we will be able to give Him the honor and glory in all things. 

Looking to further the Kingdom,

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