Sunday, September 7, 2014

The start of another great year

Well, tonight, we welcomed 40 puppeteers to GLO. Todd opened us in a wonderful prayer time and asked God's blessings on this ministry and for Him to lead us in the paths we need to go. It was a time of reflection and giving God the honor and glory in all we do. I'm just so excited to see what the year has in store for us. 
We are making plans for a performance during this years Trunk or Treat at Sunnyside Baptist Church on October 31. We've also been asked to perform at Cassidy Preschool sometime this fall, and I'm planning on taking a few kids to First Broad Street and worshiping with Our Father's Place, which is a worship time for mentally challenged adults. Also...plans are being made for our Christmas performance along with Sunnyside's Children's choir for December 7. Here are some pictures of tonight's "getting to know your puppet"

We concluded the afternoon with snacks and Abbie shared her testimony. All I can say is God is so good, all the time!!!

Looking to further His Kingdom, 

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