Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 24 Read the Bible with Me

Today's reading: Exodus 27 - Exodus 30.

My prayer: Lord, I lift up everyone that we may come in contact with through this blog. Let us be a testimony to Your greatness and majesty. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 23 Read the Bible with Me

Today's reading: Exodus 24 - Exodus 26.

My prayer: thank you God for giving us the freedom to worship You and give You honor and glory in ALL things. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 22 read the Bible with me

Today's reading is Exodus 21 - Exodus 23

We should strive to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, ( Titus 2:12 ) .

My prayer: Dear Lord, help us to remember that Your grace has appeared to us and has been taught to us and enables us to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Monday, October 28, 2013

Last practice before Trunk or Treat

Here are some video clips of our final practice before our performance at Trunk or Treat. I thought you all might enjoy seeing more behind the scenes.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Day 21 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading: Exodus 17-Exodus 20

The Ten Commandments are given to the Israelites. Here we are assured of Gods gracious acceptance of our worship. It's here that we are encouraged to pray and whenever we meet to worship Him, he has promised to be in our midst. Isn't that exciting?!?!?!?

My prayer: Thank you God for your many blessings and the peace of knowing that You are with me. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 20 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading: Exodus 14 - Exodus 16

Oh my, can you imagine being a witness to all the events that the Isarealites witnessed of God? And then to complain? Just sit on that thought for a moment. How often do we cry out and complain against Him?

My prayer: Dear Lord, please forgive me when I've grumbled and complained against You. Thank You for loving me and saving me. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 19 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading is Exodus 11 - Exodus 13

I want to share what the Matthew Henry Concise Commentary had to say about Exodus Chapter 13:

" Those who make the glory of God their end, and the word of God their rule, the Spirit of God the guide of their affections, and the providence of God the guide of their affairs, may be sure that the Lord goes before them, though they cannot see it with their eyes: we must now live by faith. When Israel marched, this pillar went before, and pointed out the place of encampment, as Divine Wisdom saw fit. It sheltered by day from the heat, and gave light by night. The Bible is a light to our feet, a lantern to our paths, with which the Saviour's love has provided us. It testifies of Christ. It is to us like the pillar to the Israelites. Listen to that voice which cries, I am the Light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life, (John 8:12 ) . Jesus Christ alone, as shown in the Bible, and as the Holy Spirit, in answer to prayer, recommends him to the soul, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, ( John 14:6 ) ."

Sometimes I need to be reminded of this, especially when things get tough. He's always there leading the way if I am just willing to listen!

My prayer, Lord, thank You for giving me the Bible to show me they way. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Friday, October 25, 2013

Night of costuming for Trunk or Treat

Our puppets are getting costumed and ready for Sunnyside's annual Trunk or Treat on October 31. Thought you might enjoy a sneak peak.

It's amazing how afew items from the Dollar Tree can make such adorable costumes. The spider and ladybug are actually toddler costumes that work wonderfully well, of course, these did not come from Dollar Tree.  A spiderweb placemat  and spider from Dollar Tree made a cute hat. Boas and crowns, the camo vest and hat all came from the Dollar Tree. Our mummy was just wrapped with some first aid gauze also from the Dollar Tree.

Hope your inspired. I'll keep you posted after practice on Sunday.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Day 18 Read the Bible With Me

Today's reading: Exodus 8 - Exodus 10

My prayer: Lord, I lift up each person and their families reading this blog. Let them feel Your presence and love today. Thank You for Your goodness! Amen.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

45+ Puppeteer Organization

I thought you might like to see how we are keeping 45+ puppeteers organized for a performance.
Each puppeteer gets a bag with a black long sleeve t-shirt, black hood, and gloves for each performance. If we are using white gloves or a colored one, those are added too. 

These items are placed in a mesh bag with their name on one side and a small card on the other side with the title of the song and the props or puppets they are responsible for in each song. The songs are listed in order for them. Here's a picture for you to get the idea. Wal-Mart has the better mesh bags for this. They are larger than the ones from Dollar Tree. 

One last list for you to see
This is just a throw together of what's needed for the songs and what we still need to get done. It really does take a lot of planning, but it's the least we can do for Him! We just love sharing God and His love for us!!

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Day 17 Read the Bible With Me

Today's reading Exodus 5 - Exodus 7

Looking at the Matthew Henry Commentary, this line stuck out: We never can trust ourselves too little, or our God too much. I can do nothing by myself, said the apostle, but I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

My prayer: Lord, let me trust You fully in all things. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hey Puppeteers,

Your new GLO Puppet shirts are in. We will have them in the practice room if you would like to come by tonight and get yours. The cost is $5.00. If you can't make it by tonight, we will have them at practice on Sunday afternoon as well. 

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Day 16 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading: Exodus 1 - Exodus 4

Exodus is known as the book that teaches us about redemption. I'm excited to see what God will reveal to us as we read through this Book, aren't you?

My prayer: Lord, teach me what You want me to see. Help me to have an open heart and an open mind to Your  Word. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 15 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading - Genesis 47- Genesis 50

Can you believe we have read the first book of the Bible? I pray you have been blessed and God has revealed something to you that maybe you hadn't seen before.

I have a lot to learn from Joseph. To be able to forgive on the human level is so hard to do sometimes. I struggle with this personally. I  feel God used these last few Chapters to show me that my little grudges through the years are nothing compared to what Joseph went through. He showed compassion and love to those who hurt him. He also taught me how to look for God's plan. Forgiveness. That's what God demonstrates daily toward me because He loves me, so why can't I demonstrate that as well?

My prayer today: Lord, please help me to have a heart of forgiveness and seek You in the midst of hurtful times. Help me to be more Christ-like in all I say and do. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 14 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading is Genesis 41- Genesis 46

Whatever employment and condition God has called us for, let us be happy with it and make the most of it for His glory.

My prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for blessing us with our jobs. Let us always perform our work with happy hearts and give You glory in all we do. Amen

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 13 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading: Genesis 35 - Genesis 40

My prayer: Dear Lord, let me seek your grace to avoid every appearance of sin in my life.  Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day12 of Read the Bible with Me

Today's reading: Genesis 29 - Genesis 34

We can learn a lot from Jacob, but I think what stands out most to me is that when we are really afraid or worried, we need to turn to prayer, and just drop to our knees. You know as well as I do, it's so much easier to call out to Him when we are afraid. Jacob has the perfect prayer for us to follow. He is thankful of everything God had blessed him with, he was humble and said he was unworthy, then he told God he was scared, and turned everything over to Him. How fortunate we are that God is always with us and we just have to call out to Him!

My prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for always being here for me. Thank you for giving me Your Word and teaching me every day. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 11 read the Bible with me

Today's reading: Genesis 24 - Genesis 28.

Don't you just love our daily readings? I really look forward to my quiet time to just read His Word and spend time with Him and listen to what He has to say to me. I hope you are feeling the blessings He has for you.

My prayer: Lord, thank you for allowing me to spend time with You! Thank you for taking time to listen to me.  Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day10 of Read the Bible with Me

Today's reading is Genesis 18 - Genesis 23

Oh, to have the faith of Abraham. I love my daughters so very much, but my love does not even compare to the love that God has for me. Just pondering the thought of what God did for me by sending His one and only Son to take the punishment for my sins, because of His love for me. Wow!

My prayer: God, thank you for loving me that You sent Your Son that I could believe on You and so that I could have everlasting life. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 9 of Read the Bible with me

Today's reading: Genesis 11- Genesis 17.

My prayer: Thank you God for showing me that nothing is too small to ask of you. You are able to exceedingly answer my prayers. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 8 read the Bible with me

Okay, now that you are getting in the groove of reading daily, we need to pick up the pace. You can do this. Thank you for keeping me accountable as well.
With that being said, today's reading is: Genesis 8, Genesis 9, and Genesis 10.

My prayer today: Lord, help me to continue to be in your Word. Help me to see what you would want me to see. Thank you for loving me. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 7 read the Bible with me

Today's Scripture reading: Genesis 7:1-7-24

Noah didn't go into the ark til God told him to. How comforting it is to follow God and to see Him go before us in every step we take!!

My prayer: Thank you God for ALWAYS going before me in EVERY step I take. Amen.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 6 Read the Bible with me

Today's reading: Genesis 6:1-6:22

Happy Sunday!!! I pray you have a wonderful, peaceful, restful, and worshipful day today!!!

My prayer today: Lord, thank you that I have the freedom to worship You with other believers. I thank you for my wonderful family, church family, and friends! Help me to "find grace in your eyes." Let my
 labours always be acceptable to You! Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 5 Read the Bible with Me

Today's reading: Genesis 5:1-5:32

At first, when I read this chapter, it was just a lot of names and sort of a family tree. But, to be honest, I had to read through it 4 times to really see what God might have to say to me in this chapter. That's when He did! He showed me how Enoch WALKED with God. walk with God is to set Him ALWAYS before me and to act as those that are always under His eye. It is to live in communion with Him, and to try and please Him in all I say and do. It is to be a follower of Him and give Him glory in everything!!! Wow! 

Wouldn't that be an awesome legacy to leave with your family and friends? Just to have someone say, "she walked with God."

My prayer: Dear Lord, Help me to ALWAYS walk with you. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Day 4 Read the Bible With Me

Today's reading: Genesis 4:1-26.

Isn't God good?! I think this beautiful fall weather we are having here in East Tennessee just continues to show how amazing God's creation is! I think this has to be the most beautiful time of the year. The beautiful blue sky, the changing foliage, and these crisp October mornings. Simply breathtaking!

I don't know about you, but I'm loving our readings in the book of Genesis. I love being reminded of how God created. CREATED!!!!! Let that soak in for a moment. CREATED!!! To make something from nothing. Now doesn't that just give you goose bumps? This reminds me of Michael W. Smith's song, "Our God is an Awesome God." 

My prayer: Dear God, You are such an awesome God. Thank you for loving me! Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Day 3 of read the Bible with me

Today's reading passage: Genesis 3:1-24. 

My prayer today: Dear Lord, thank you for each and every person that is committed to reading and studying your Word with me. Help us to stay faithful to this committment. Help us resist any temptations that may come our way. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 2 of Read the Bible with Me

Today's reading is Genesis 2:1-25. 

My prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings. Thank you for each person that is in your Word today. Thank you for giving us the freedom to worship you and draw closer to you.  Thank you for the beautiful day and sunrise that you have blessed us with this morning. Amen.

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Read the Bible with me in a year?

So, as I share our puppet ministry ideas with you through this blog, may I also share Bible time with you as well. I have been burdened that I am failing in this blog by not sharing the Gospel with you. Would any of you commit with me to read through God's Holy Word in a year? You may have done this before or several times, but, I feel that the only way to draw closer to Him is through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. To truly be able to share the Gospel with others as we are commanded to do, we have to know it, live it, and breathe it. And, in turn, I feel God will speak to us and give us the words and ideas that He would have us to use to minister to others. He has blessed our puppet ministry beyond what we ever envisioned. But, we have spent many hours in prayer seeking His will and guidance. God is so good, all the time!!!!

With that being said, I plan on listing my Bible reading plans daily for you to follow along with me. Any comments or words of encouragement would be helpful as we start this endeavor. Who knows what God has in store for us through this, but I am so excited to find out.

We might as well start "in the beginning..." with Genesis 1:1-31. That's it for today. See, that's not going to take a lot of extra time. This is the least we can do for all He does for us!!

My prayer for today: Dear Lord, thank you. Thank you for all of your many blessings and thank you for every person committing to do this time of study with me. I want to give you the glory and honor in all that I do. Thank you for loving me and sending your son to die for me. And, Lord, I pray that if someone is reading this and doesn't know you as their Lord and Savior, that today will be that day. Amen

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Monday, October 7, 2013

Invite to like GLO PUPPET MINISTRY on Facebook

I wanted to invite you if you haven't already done so to like GLO PUPPET MINISTRY on Facebook. I've posted a link for you to follow. There are a few things on the page that you can't see on our blog.

Looking to further the kingdom,


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Practicing for Trunk or Treat

Another successful practice this afternoon! These kids are awesome!!  GLO puppeteers met this afternoon to practice for Sunnyside Baptist Church's annual Trunk or Treat. We will be performing black light for all the songs since it will be outside.......and.........dark.

I thought you might enjoy the behind the scenes practicing, practicing, perfecting, and perfecting that goes on to prepare for a performance. As you can see, the puppeteers are perfectionists. We have one more practice before the big night. We are taking the next 2 weeks off due to the kids being on fall break and traveling schedules. So...for your viewing pleasure.....I present to you...


God is Bigger

If You're Happy and You Know It

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Itsy Bitsy Spider take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Funky Jesus Music

I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout

I hope you've enjoyed our practice as much  as we did!!!

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Friday, October 4, 2013

Another Puppet Organization Idea

Angie and I met for a little while this afternoon to tweek some props for practice on Sunday afternoon. She also went by Wal-Mart and picked up another shoe organizer for $4.
The middle rack was not used....
 a pool noodle was cut and tie-wrapped to the arches on every other one.
And now, a few fish have a better storage place.
This works wonderful on a shelving unit. Happy puppeting!

Looking to further the Kingdom,


Thursday, October 3, 2013

What a great deal!!

9 puppets for $150 from Amazon. With 45 puppeteers this year, we needed more farm animals for our Christmas performance. You just can't beat the cuteness of Folkmanis animal puppets. I think everyone is going to love these little critters on the tree farm this year.

Plans are coming together for the play and I think everyone will enjoy the transformation of the quartet puppets. Many surprises are coming. I just don't know if I'll be able to keep it a secret. But, let's just say, here are the before pictures of our Heavenly Quartet before their "Louisiana makeovers."

Looking to further the Kingdom,


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